Tuesday, April 28, 2020

History of the American Indian

History of the American IndianIn the History of the American Indian, one can find three important topics: Columbus, Spain, and Mexico. The History of the American Indian book highlights these three. The book includes many sections, which illustrate the Native Americans living in what is now North America at that time.The period from Columbus to the mid-eighteenth century was a period during which the people of North American Indians developed a unique culture and tradition. Their economic, social, political, and religious life was very different from the life of other indigenous peoples. It was during this time that they developed complex writing. Moreover, they also developed complex religions, unique clothing, rituals, and distinctive ceremonial objects.The Indians of North America were aware of differences among themselves. In fact, they experienced an aggressive, violent existence throughout their history. They were forced to become an integral part of a growing commercial empire in the New World. However, they developed strong ties to each other and formed a network of various tribes. They also developed a mutual dependence on various other native groups such as the Abenaki, Mohawks, Nez Perce, Tuscarora, Massachusett Indians, Cayugas, Acadians, Cherokee, Nez Perce, and others.Wars were very common in their history. There were battles fought between the indigenous people and the Spanish colonizers. The Native Americans also resisted them in the form of their own wars. In some cases, there were human sacrifices among different tribes. On the other hand, there were other common facts of Native Americans' lives.During the sixteenth century, their unique culture became known to Europeans. At that time, it became evident that the people of North America were different from any other group in the world. As a result, many Europeans tried to understand and identify with the Native Americans. They began to take sides between the various groups in order to obtain so me advantage over the other.For example, as early as 1655, the Dutch introduced wine to South India. The Dutch immediately recognized that the Indians could be the best producers of grapes. They took advantage of this by cultivating grapes for export.However, the Spanish conquest did not end the struggle against the Spaniards in North America. Even after the Spaniards left, the Indians still had to face problems. Unlike other groups in the Americas, the Indians were not slaves. They were allowed to sell land, resources, or other assets to the Europeans. They still had to struggle for survival.In Sri Lanka, the history of the native people has been an impressive one. During the colonial period, they still have to deal with severe and violent battles with neighboring European countries. Nevertheless, Sri Lanka has successfully developed a modern society and economy. Today, the Sri Lankan people are enjoying a life of equality and respect. They live in peace and are able to enjoy the c ultural heritage of the past.

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